Stay in touch even when you have little or no airtime by sending a free "CallMe" message. Call me message is also sent automatically when trying to make a phone call with little or no airtime.
10 free messages a day
Stay in touch even when you have little or no airtime by sending a free "CallMe" message. Call me message is also sent automatically when trying to make a phone call with little or no airtime.
10 free messages a day
How does it works
When you have no credit and you make a call to a mobile number, the person you are trying to reach will get a missed call alert.
NB: CallMe messages are restricted to within the Orange network only.
If your credit is less than P0.20 you can send 10 FREE CallMe messages per day otherwise you will be charged P0.20 per SMS.
Available to
Orange prepaid customers ONLY.