Network Disruptions


Orange Botswana acknowledges the frustration of customers across the country as regards the quality of network coverage on voice and data from last week, and which persist to date. We continue to work to resolve the current network challenges and this remains our greatest priority. It is a lot to ask, we recognise, but we humbly request that you bear with us as we work to restore your confidence and comfort in our services.


During this challenging period of extreme social distancing, we know Batswana need us now more than ever, whether for business during remote working, or for personal reasons to communicate with loved ones. We recognise that it is frustrating to feel like we are not delivering the needed support at a crucial time, and we do not take the responsibility placed upon us lightly. Our engineers and technical teams are working around the clock to resolve the issue which we are seeing across the industry, as the dynamics of voice and data consumption have so drastically shifted during this stay-home period.


At present, services that are device related – these include, for example, new phone offers or Konnecta contracts – are not possible, for these would require physical engagement which we are currently unable to execute. We continue to support all services and offers that can be done virtually, in line with extreme social distancing protocols; this being: SIM-only related services, such as migrations from hybrid/prepaid to post-paid, upgrades, downgrades, and credit limits increases.


For all our business or B2B customers, dedicated Key Account Managers assigned to you continue to work remotely and can facilitate any queries or needs you may have. They remain, as always ready to serve. Business clients are also encouraged to use the escalation matrix provided as and when the need arises.


We are all acclimatising to the new protocols during this period; including sourcing permits for our engineers and of course other challenges with downstream suppliers, including from a locked-down South Africa, Germany, France, China and more. These are testing times for businesses the world over trying to deliver for our customers. What is unwavering, however, is our commitment and resolve.


We are all in this together, and together we will prevail.
