How do I access the administration interface of my Flybox to configure the device?


The administration interface enables you to access the system settings of the Flybox (resetting, change password, etc.).

Here is the access procedure.

Prerequisites: You must connect the 4G Flybox in WiFi mode to your PC or mobile.

1/3 Access the administration interface

1/3 Access the administration interface

Start your internet browser. The Flybox page is displayed automatically.

Enter into the address bar of your browser.

Click on the menu in the top right of the page. Select "Settings".

2/3 Enter the ID of the administration interface

2/3 Enter the ID of the administration interface

Complete the fields as follows:

  • User name: admin (default setting).
  • Password: admin (default setting).
  • Click on "OK".


  • Click on "Later"

If you have not changed the administration password, an information message will invite you to change it.
In our example, click on "Later".

Note: it is highly recommended to change the administration password.

3/3 Using the administration interface

3/3 Using the administration interface

The browser displays the administration interface with its various sections and menus.